“Sorry, what did you just say?”
- At November 07, 2019
- By Yori Yuliandra
- In Australiana, Blog, Think English
Ini adalah pengalaman yang menjadi dasar bagi saya untuk berusaha memperbaiki pronunciation di dalam percakapan bahasa Inggris. Dari pengalaman ini, saya sadar bahwa English conversation skills yang saya miliki can be improved, atau lebih tepatnya need to be improved. Karenanya, sembari mempelajarinya, saya juga mau berbagi tentang aspek penting yang sering dilupakan di dalam pelafalan “pronunciation” bahasa Inggris, khususnya pola syllable stress. Tulisan ini juga akan dilengkapi dengan tips ringan yang aplikatif untuk tujuan tersebut, namun pada post terpisah ya (supaya tulisan ini tidak terlalu panjang dan pemirsah tidak bosan). Simak ya…
So, bahasan pada tulisan ini mencakup:
Read More»FujiFilm X-M1: A #MyBigWish Story
This is a story about camera, and perhaps about my luck too; and it is a happy story.
Photography has long been my interest, and perhaps my hobby too. I’ve been practicing it a little and reading a lot about it. The following words probably sound weird for people on average: ISO, aperture, shutter speed, exposure. But for me, they don’t. It’s just because I am curious, and I read.
But now, everything’s gonna change. Reading a lot about those creepy words is not the only way for me to deal with them. I can now play with it, instead of just reading it. Why? Listen! World, here is my brand new Fujifilm X-M1
Read More»Story of Evelyn
Her name is Evelyn (7 weeks old by now), we call her Velyn, for short (even some suggested to call her Eve [if], Eva [ifa], Eline [elin], we just wanted to have something unique). Here’s the story about her, and perhaps also about her mother.
2013/10/21: I met her mother (to be precise, her prospective mother) somewhere in Bukittinggi, and discussed a big thing, a serious one. A few weeks later, I brought my family to meet her mother’s family, making it got more serious. Everything became very much serious then after they visited us back.
2013/12/14: I, as a webmaster, created a website, promoting our serious planning. It’s a lot more serious right?
2013/12/27: We’re getting married, me and her mother. Everything’s running okay. Anyway, I have no idea where Evelyn was.
2014/04: Seemed like Evelyn had been existed. I checked it, and saw a double red stripes. Glad? of course, and grateful. She was confirmed a week later when I brought her mother to visit an OB. Anyway, We then regularly visited this OB, as suggested.
2014/06: It’s Ramadan, the fasting month… But I believe that Evelyn didn’t do fasting eventhough her mother did, one full month.
Read More»My appwiz.cpl
I was once asked about things I usually do with my computer. I, again, considered that this was a really difficult question as I do plenty much things with my computer. But then, I finally found the most simple answer to provide for those who asked the question. Here, I present you my appwiz.cpl
Read More»Almost five years ago
Feels like yesterday, but it was almost five years ago. What’s five years ago? Here, the pic below, I wrote it 5 years ago.
A few couple things about this pic:
- I am actually expected to be writing (or perhaps, have written) this kind of acknowledgment for my thesis right now, but everything changed when the fire nation attack *aaaarrghhh. But I’ll catch up very soon, inshaAllah
- I should come clean that my English sucked. I found so many grammatical errors. I didn’t even know that “teach” should be expressed with “taught” in past participle/past tense instead of “teached”. But it was five years ago. Now? not too far different… LOL
- Clearly, flowers have long got it’s place in my heart, or at least in my artistic view. They even existed in my thesis acknowledgment. I realized that it’s quite unique for a guy, but do I care??? Let we see in my next thesis acknowledgment *Hmm… I’m thinking what kind of flower will take place :p
- I think I never verbally spelled any “thanks” to those mentioned above. Please dear all friends, this is actually my honest thank… Please just consider that I was too busy to meet and tell it to you all (or perhaps too ashamed). Thanks barokalloh…
"Spring of Gio" (Samsung GT S-5660 Pictures)
When I went back home a few days ago, there was something buzzing me up just in front of my house. Felt like it was spring as the flowers colored up my garden. Perhaps due to some rainy weeks before. Red, yellow, fresh, and uuh… kinda speechless to see it. Suddenly, I was reminded that I had a newly bought Samsung smartphone with an amazing camera feature. So, check out what it could capture below:
Surprising… That’s what I gotta say about
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