Taman Ngarai Maaram Bukittinggi
Meskipun taman Ngarai Maaram ini sudah diresmikan sejak tahun 2014, tapi sepertinya masih banyak tuh yang belum tau apa dimana dan bagaimana tentang taman baru di kota Bukittinggi ini. Ya, namanya “Taman NGARAI MAARAM”, bukan “GARAI” Maaram ya seperti yang terlihat pada gambar berikut. Taman yang terletak di Kota Bukittinggi ini sering ‘pakai sekali’ saya kunjungi. Namun untuk meliput gambarnya dengan kamera baru mirrorless saya baru sempat saya lakukan di akhir Februari ini.
Story of Evelyn
Her name is Evelyn (7 weeks old by now), we call her Velyn, for short (even some suggested to call her Eve [if], Eva [ifa], Eline [elin], we just wanted to have something unique). Here’s the story about her, and perhaps also about her mother.
2013/10/21: I met her mother (to be precise, her prospective mother) somewhere in Bukittinggi, and discussed a big thing, a serious one. A few weeks later, I brought my family to meet her mother’s family, making it got more serious. Everything became very much serious then after they visited us back.
2013/12/14: I, as a webmaster, created a website, promoting our serious planning. It’s a lot more serious right?
2013/12/27: We’re getting married, me and her mother. Everything’s running okay. Anyway, I have no idea where Evelyn was.
2014/04: Seemed like Evelyn had been existed. I checked it, and saw a double red stripes. Glad? of course, and grateful. She was confirmed a week later when I brought her mother to visit an OB. Anyway, We then regularly visited this OB, as suggested.
2014/06: It’s Ramadan, the fasting month… But I believe that Evelyn didn’t do fasting eventhough her mother did, one full month.
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