Ngeblog bareng PEC: "Is studying English difficult…?"
- At March 12, 2011
- By Yori Yuliandra
- In Think English, Think Student
- 63
*difficulties in learning English…
English was a subject I didn’t really like when I was in senior high school, perhaps for a few reasons. And frankly speaking, I sometimes blamed the teachers, the books, and many others justification. Eventhough I could reach 8 or 9 in the student assessment report, I just didn’t welcome the English lesson a lot. I didn’t really enjoy the class and I couldn’t understand why I didn’t. But now, after being graduated from university, I can figure out a few things why I didn’t love English.
We don’t love English because we don’t completely understand why we should be familiar with English. We were just told that English is important and is the international language, but we didn’t definitely get it.
I finally got this point when I faced conditions below.
Read More»I studied pharmacy, a subject that was definitely unfamiliar with me *that time… Thus, I tried to pay full attention in the class, make 100% attendance, joined the practice class, but I just couldn’t catch the lesson. Then finally, I had the last solution –> the text books… But, unfortunately,
The significance of learning English
(Pharmacy English Club, an old dream which has come true)
Akhirnya, BEM KM FF UA (Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Keluarga Mahasiswa Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Andalas 🙂 berhasil melaksanakan acara Launching “Pharmacy English Club”. Tidak berlebihan rasanya kalau kami (saya dan teman-teman segenerasi di farmasi) mengatakan bahwa ini adalah mimpi lama kami yang baru terwujud hari ini, di fakultas ini. Finally…
Laporan acara
Acara launching ini terlaksana pada Sabtu, 27 Maret 2010 di ruang kuliah apoteker kampus Limau Manis, Padang. Acara yang dimeriahkan dengan talk show “The significance of learning English” ini dihadiri tidak kurang dari 70 peserta dari anggota BEM KM FF UA. Sebagai pemateri adalah Lucy Suraiya M yang merupakan kepala UPT Pelatihan Bahasa Universitas Andalas (Language Training Centre) dengan 2 orang pembicara dari alumni dan dosen. Acara dengan durasi setengah hari ini juga dilengkapi  dengan
Read More»Don't say no to "Learning English"
Dear all friends and colleagues
Have you ever imagined doing many things easier than you ’ve ever done…? (This could be a difficult to understand-question if u don’t read the following. Let me make it simple and gimme your eyes).
I asked many students and friends about why we should study and understand english as well. A part of them answered because English is the the international language. Others said because English are the most common language used in text book in every discipline. Many different answers were also proposed. None was wrong. But I prefer to say that the most acceptable answer is “BECAUSE, NOWADAYS, ENGLISH IS THE LANGUAGE OF CIVILIZATION” (Karena saat ini, bahasa inggris adalah bahasa peradaban). When you use a computer, you will realize that english is absolutely needed to understand in using and troubleshooting it. When you buy a new TV, hand phone, etc., you will find that their manuals are
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