Learning English with Fun through Popular Songs
- At January 11, 2010
- By Yori Yuliandra
- In Think Books, Think English
- 51
Mother, how are you today?
Here is a note from your daughter.
With me everything is ok.
Mother, how are you today?
Mother, don’t worry, I’m fine.
Promise to see you this summer.
This time there will be no delay.
Mother, how are you today?
Ada yang tau gak dua paragraf yang di atas itu apaan? Yup… itu adalah potongan lirik lagu Mother how are you today yang dibawakan oleh Maywood. Lagu tersebut merupakan lagu yang cukup populer sampai saat ini meskipun lagu tersebut sebenarnya berasal dari era 70-an. Eit… stop.. kita sebenarnya bukan membahas lagu, tapi membahasa buku. Nah lho…?
What should I do to improve my English..? I don’t have friends to learn with… I don’t know the books that I need to learn English… I’ve tried to read but I never succeeded… dan masih banyak lagi pertanyaan dan tanggapan yang biasa dilontarkan oleh pelajar yang mengalami kesulitan dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris (biasanya mereka bertanya dalam bahasa Indonesia, bukan dalam English seperti yang tertulis… hehe….)
Beberapa hari yang lalu, saya membeli sebuah
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Dear all friends and colleagues
Have you ever imagined doing many things easier than you ’ve ever done…? (This could be a difficult to understand-question if u don’t read the following. Let me make it simple and gimme your eyes).
I asked many students and friends about why we should study and understand english as well. A part of them answered because English is the the international language. Others said because English are the most common language used in text book in every discipline. Many different answers were also proposed. None was wrong. But I prefer to say that the most acceptable answer is “BECAUSE, NOWADAYS, ENGLISH IS THE LANGUAGE OF CIVILIZATION” (Karena saat ini, bahasa inggris adalah bahasa peradaban). When you use a computer, you will realize that english is absolutely needed to understand in using and troubleshooting it. When you buy a new TV, hand phone, etc., you will find that their manuals are
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