Ramadan Nights Festival at Lakemba
- At June 03, 2019
- By Yori Yuliandra
- In Australiana, Blog
- 38
Sewaktu saya pertama kali sampai di Sydney dan masih tinggal sementara di asrama kampus, saya dikasih tau oleh seorang sahabat bahwa setiap bulan puasa selalu ada Ramadan Food Festival di daerah Lakemba, salah satu daerah suburban di pinggiran kota Sydney. Dan hal tersebut terasa menjadi salah satu lobi penguat dari beliau supaya saya memilih tinggal di daerah tersebut. Saat itu, yang terlintas di benak saya adalah semacam pasar jajanan untuk berbuka puasa, atau yang lebih dikenal dengan istilah “pasar pabukoan” di daerah Padang. Faktanya, setelah saya tinggal di daerah ini dan mengamati sendiri, its way too different. Memang benar-benar seperti festival, tidak sekedar jualan makanan sederhana pelepas dahaga dan lapar di sekitar waktu berbuka, namun berlangsung hingga jam 2-3 pagi di sepanjang Haldon Street selama bulan Ramadhan.
Festival? Really…?
Ada beberapa hal yang mungkin membuat even ini disebut dengan festival. Yang pertama adalah banyak jenis makanan yang tersedia dan dapat dibeli di sepanjang jalan ini. Jika boleh hiperbolis sedikit, saya akan menyebutnya festival makanan internasional, atau setidaknya internasional kawasan muslim. Olahan makanan dari berbagai negara di Timur Tengah bisa dijumpai di sini dengan variasi yang sangat banyak dan mayoritasnya tidak saya ingat namanya. Tak ketinggalan, ada soto kambing dan martabak juga. Menu soto kambing ini diberi nama “soto kambing”. Artinya, ada penjual dari Indonesia yang juga berpartisipasi đŸ™‚
Salah satu hal yang membuat saya takjub adalah bagaimana pemerintah lokal menjadikan even ini sebagai tourist attraction yang serius dan terbilang sangat efektif. Hal ini terlihat dari betapa meriahnya acara festival ini, dan betapa pemerintah mengatur segala hal untuk kelancaran acara ini seperti penutupan jalan, rekayasa rute transportasi publik, penambahan toilet umum, dsb. Acara ini memang masuk ke dalam daftar kegiatan resmi pemerintah dan informasi lengkapnya sangat mudah didapati secara online, termasuk dari website-website official. Mereka memang betul-betul membuat bahwa Ramadan bukan saja untuk umat Islam, but Ramadan is for everyone in here. Mereka tidak sungkan untuk membuat statement berikut terkait even ini:
Read More»Ramadhan and Internet Things
I have actually promised my self to lessen my contact with my computer and internet things during this Ramadhan. But, It clearly seems almost impossible for me as I do a lot of things with my computer. Sometimes, I feel sorry for my self for one thing –> I sent a special Ramadhan prayer a few months before Ramadhan, a deep wish to Allah to let me reach this Ramadhan. But, when I am already here in this holy month, this is who I am. Seems like nothing really different in me. It makes me forget that I prayed a lot to be in this Ramadhan.
Nevertheless… I keep trying to perform my very best by the way, but still, can’t be far away from my internet things. Anyway, I think I should write why:
- web admin for a seminar event organized by campus
- trying to learn about fluorescence microscopy
- translating things
FBing, twittering, etc
PHP, ajax, js, cpanel <– these creatures could just blow my head and spam my brain with enormous alien codes. Did I learn it all by my self? Nope, I got a teacher *alhamdulillah. I worked with many software and applications including Dreamweaver, Flash, Photoshop. By the way, my primary concern is not about the difficulties I face to fight these creepy things and alien codes, but the time that should be allocated to deal with them. Time is more than money in this holy month, so to speak. I just feel that doing these things for the most of your day in this holy month is just something misplaced. By the way, wanna see the website? Please refer to this page
Have you ever heard about fluorescence microscopy? Such another alien thing for me, frankly speaking. I am expected *challenged* to also deal with this one in order to finish my study. Learning about an all brand new thing can also be something tricky if you do it without teacher, I mean an expert as we don’t have one in here. So, let we see whether internet is the answer for this obstacle.
Ow, I almost forget. I also have a book *an English book, of course* to be translated. My simple English can not cope a whole book to translate in a short time. Ya I know you all will say “use Google Translate, Yori”… That’s the problem. We don’t have ebook version for this one. Wanna help me? This is the book details –> Drug Discovery and Development. If you find the ebook version, please kindly gimme the link. That would be really appreciated đŸ™‚
I think I should also mention this one –> I am the contact person for a national seminar on pharmacy organized by Univ. of Andalas. So, below is my warm phone call welcoming :
“Halo, ada yang bisa say bantu?… Oh iya pak, acaranya tanggal 24 September ini Pak… Gimana? ooo… hotelnya… Kalo informasi hotel kita cuma menyediakan nomor kontaknya saja, bapak bisa dilihat di website kok pak… Iya, ini seminarnya ada bobot 10 SKP bla bla bla….
Wish I can survive this Ramadhan… Send me prayer please *berdoa, mulai…
Oh ya, I should optimize my self in i’tikaf, shouldn’t I?
Ramadhan Award
- At August 08, 2011
- By Yori Yuliandra
- In Story of Mine
- 63
What a happy news when someone told me that I was awarded something. Such a long time I don’t receive any awards đŸ™‚ I think I got nothing to mention but Alhamdulillah, and thanks to the awarder. This award means something for me. It reminds me a lot about what I am supposed to do in this holy month, the “Syahrul Quran”.
By the way, I have previously realized that Ramadhan is truly an award from The Lord, a grand award. Ya, it really is…
I think I should make this brief. Here are the rules for those who receive this award (or perhaps you can just refer to its original page and original language by clicking the banner, ‘coz sometimes I just need to come clean that my written English can also be terrible . So, to be officially awarded please read the rules in Bahasa in here, when necessary).
First: Try to do what this award asks you to do –> to read the holy Quran, more and more. You can just speed up and read tens of page each days. (I say: “Okay, inshaAllah… I’ll try my best. And frankly speaking, I just finished my first and started a new beginning”). *the last sentence is not really necessary to write.
Second: Kindly put the banner on your blog. Please use this html code –> <a href=”http://fathelvi.blogspot.com/2011/08/ramadhan-award-two-special-ramadhan.html”><img border=”0″ src=”http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-EY_DoismtgA/TjwcrhTg0aI/AAAAAAAACpM/mnw9JZBvdmc/s1600/ramadhan+award+for+blogger.gif” /></a> (start copying from “<a” and ended by “a>”) (I say: “I have done it”. Anyway, this html code
Read More»Puasakan komputermu…!
Mau punya wallpaper Ramadhan 1432 gak…? Wallpaper dengan hasil karya fotografi dan ada kalender Ramadhannya…? Wallpapernya banyak dan bagus-bagus lho *uhukk* seperti preview berikut ini.
Kalau mau, lanjut baca ya…
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