Weekly Photo Challenge: Curiosity
Another post of Weekly Photo Challenge

Curiosity means to know something new. "Ow, finally... I see another lens I've long been wondering how it feels to be captured with. But I think my lenses are better, they are just not equipped with zooming utility" *if bugs can talk đŸ™‚
This picture was taken by using the
Read More»One man's dream
I have long been running
Like being haunted by nothing
I am tired of pretending
Pretending that I am not tired for me-being
Hey, don’t wake me up
Because I am just about to dream
Yea, it’s just a dream
Read More»Insect photography
- At April 01, 2010
- By Yori Yuliandra
- In Think Photography
It is photography that I lately considered to be an interesting activity. I love to capture wonderful creatures to realize how great The Creator really is…
After knowing that WordPress.com has launched a new feature to show photos as a slideshow, I was suddenly curious what it would look like if I present a collection of my photo hunting around my lovely house few weeks ago in a slide show. Then… finally, I made it.
Here is the result of that slide show.
Read More»"Setelah ku foto, kau ku bunuh…"
(dia yang jahat… ternyata cukup memikat)
Lagi sik asiknya panen coklat, tiba-tiba ada bisikan entah dari mana *halah…* buat mencet-mencet dan ngintip-ngintip (istilah baru untuk photography *rencana mo segera dipatenkan… hehe…). Kebetulan kamera sudah ada di saku (keren kan…? ke ladang aja bawa kamera, hihi…). Trus, ternyata objek
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